Channel: Dewey Singleton – Film Critic – Monkeys Fighting Robots
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Review: THE MEG Will Delightfully Devour You With Entertainment And Mayhem


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The Meg is a ridiculously constructed testosterone infused jaunt into a farcical world where Jason Statham is invincible, and so are Tea Cup Yorkies. Some releases tend to dabble with insane concepts which defy all logic, while The Meg bathes in them to the delight of fans who crave more from where that came from. Director John Turteltaub latest project is as if Jurassic World and Godzilla had a baby and its first words were “Kick-Ass.” Nothing in this film makes sense, yet everyone was okay with it.

The Meg
A scene from Warner Bros. Pictures’ and Gravity Pictures’ science fiction action thriller “THE MEG,” a Gravity Pictures release for China, and a Warner Bros. Pictures release throughout the rest of the world.

The film centers around a science crew which is studying life inside the ocean and the horrors they uncover. During there exploration of the deepest portions of the water, a discovery was made of a thick cloud barrier which separates their world from fascinating creatures. While exploring what’s beyond the boundary, a monster attacks their ship disabling it. The only person who can save them is the one man who has lived through similar circumstances. Jonas Taylor (Statham) and a team are set to go down below and rescue that crew. Just when you think this could be over, that’s when a 75-foot shark pays his first visit.

The Meg
A scene from Warner Bros. Pictures’ and Gravity Pictures’ science fiction action thriller “THE MEG,” a Gravity Pictures release for China, and a Warner Bros. Pictures release throughout the rest of the world.

Dean Georgaris, Jon Hoeber, and Erich Hoeber were tasked with adapting Steve Alten’s best selling book. The Meg stays true to its sci-fi roots without turning this release into a big budget version of Sharknado. Dialogue at specific points in the film matters very little as the film briskly moves from one set piece to the next. Pacing wise the movie was spot on as we were quickly moving from one set piece to the next.

The Meg
A scene from Warner Bros. Pictures’ and Gravity Pictures’ science fiction action thriller “THE MEG,” a Gravity Pictures release for China, and a Warner Bros. Pictures release throughout the rest of the world.

There appears to be a concerted effort from the cast to punch up those “dramatic and hilarious moments.” Doing this allowed The Meg to come off as way more balanced and enjoyable. Had Warner Brothers decided to go in an extreme direction, either way, they would run the risk of turning off the audience. Does Statham overact during certain moments of the film? Yes! Does it matter? Not, even a little bit. The Meg is on a mission to entrance audiences worldwide with the use of 75 ft shark as it tears through the Pacific Ocean. Nobody is saying this is Jaws (far from it), but we are saying prepare yourself to be highly entertained.

The two performances which stood out to me (other than Statham and The Meg) were Rainn Wilson and the Teacup Yorkie everyone has seen in the trailer. Wilson plays a billionaire by the name of Morris who is flush with cash and sleaziness as well. He lives long enough in the film (sorry spoiler) to see himself go from being a hero to a villain who died epically (watch the movie and see how). The Teacup Yorkie has a small part to play in our saga, but her charm will wash over everyone.

Tom Stern’s cinematography was crucial to enhancing the tension in each scene. Stern made use of some ground-level shots and angles giving the perspective of being hunted by this beast. Perhaps my favorite moment was when he slowly panned the camera outside the soundstage (where they were shooting The Meg) creating this idea that it was watching them.

Overall, The Meg is one helluva a good time and should be seen on the biggest screen possible with a great group of friends (and concessions as well). Allow this tale about a prehistoric beast take hold of your group, and I promise you’ll be smiling in the end.





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